Removing Backyard Tree Debris with Vermeer Mini Loader
Tom Mulligan’s Mini Loader Services makes use of the Vermeer S600TX to remove a large oak tree in pieces small enough to fit through the narrow side yard, yet too big to carry by hand. This small front loader is ideal for clearing heavy loads through tight spaces and saves time and money while reducing risk of injury in many types of situations.
Visible Stump is Tip of Iceberg
What can be seen above the ground is usually the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the size of the stump. Trees often flair at the bottom, and continue that flair below the surface. There are also roots that can be quite large running out from the stump, close to the surface.
Grinding the stump involves all portions of the stump at the soil line. Root chasing is following the large roots out from the tree stump and grinding them below the grade level.
Grinding a Tall Stump
A tall stump that needs to be removed from the landscape is no problem. Some stumps require an additional cut with a chainsaw, but here’s an example of grinding a tall palm tree stump as is.
Re-Grinding a Stump with Vermeer SC252 Stump Grinder
A Vermeer SC252 stump grinder is used to re-grind a stump that was previously cut. After the initial cut, the homeowner decided to lower the grade of their yard and so a re-grind of the stump was necessary. This was a 9 foot stump that is now cut well below the driveway level, and is ready for sod to be laid.
Proudly serving Central Florida since 1993. We have the experience and the equipment to handle backyard and large stumps. In fact, over 70 tree specialists, and 300 landscapers, rely on our expertise to take care of their own customers.
You can rely on us too. Call (407) 628-1625.
Tom Mulligan, Owner